Privacy Policy


This privacy policy is intended to inform you regarding the use of personal information that we collect during your visit to one of our websites. It is applicable to all our network of websites.


Information we collect


We collect your personal information such as name, email id, address, contact number and other company details when you fill out the “Free Trial” form or “Register” for an event or contact us through website or phone calls.


Purpose of the collection of your data


The information collected from you may be used in one of the following ways:


    To personalize your experience


    To improve our website


    To improve customer service


    To respond to queries or requests submitted by you


    To process orders or applications submitted by you


    To send periodic emails about product information, news & updates


    Create products & services that meet your needs


If at any time, you want us to stop using your information for any or all of the above purposes, please contact us as set out below. We will stop using your personal information for above purposes as soon as it is reasonably possible to do so.
Also, we don’t sell, trade or transfer your personally identifiable information to any third party sites unless we are legally entitled to do so or if we believe any such action is necessary to protect and/or defend our rights, property or personal safety and those of our customers/users or other individuals.
Please be assured that we don’t use your personal information for any other purposes other than that listed in our privacy policy. If you still require more details, kindly contact us.


Collection of non-personal data


We do not collect any form of non-personal data from any of our network websites.


Personal information through interactions


The personal information gathered through interactions that happen between us via chat box, forums, newsgroups, email and feedback shall be used in accordance with this privacy policy. However, we are not responsible or liable for other parties’ use of personal information which you make available to them through our sites. So, please be careful about what information you want to disclose in this way.

Protection of your personal data


We respect your privacy, so we have implemented technology and policies with the aim to protect your personal information from any unauthorized access or improper use. We shall update these measures as new technology becomes available, as appropriate.


Use of your personal information submitted to our network sites


This privacy policy is applicable to all our network websites so the personal information submitted by you on those sites would be used for the same purposes as mentioned above.


Online privacy policy only


This privacy policy is applicable only to the information collected online through our website and not for information collected offline.


Your Consent


By using our website, you consent to our privacy policy.


Changes to this privacy policy


Any changes made to this privacy policy will be duly communicated to you as well as published on this page. For your convenience, please do visit our privacy policy on regular basis.


Contacting Us


For all legal information please contact us at: